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A Chosen Moment

Writer's picture: Brian BarlowBrian Barlow

Updated: Feb 3

In a short while, season 5 of the TV series, The Chosen will be released to theaters, then to various app platforms. Some among “the faithful” find fault with the project, while others find inspiration. Some have even found salvation in Messiah Jesus. Some have found their faith rejuvenated, or have gained a depth to their walk not previously known to them.

The impact upon me has been this: fully recognizing the production to be a dramatic representation of the Bible account of Jesus and His “times”, wherein creative license is applied though remaining true to the text, I have begun to see the people and events of the Bible record in “3D”. That is to say, rather than reading a flat, newspaper-like reporting of historical occurrences, I’ve begun to explore and experience the Bible accounts as if they actually happened — real encounters of real people with the true and living God…which, of course, they were and are!

Like Abraham’s obedience to the Lord in offering his son, Isaac to God: What must Abe have felt? How about Sarah? Isaac? It’s too easy to just read those words matter of factly, then refill my coffee cup, grab my planner, and off we go.

If all I take away from reading Scripture is an accumulation of knowledge for later debate or pontification on points of theology, or to fulfill my morning “devotions” duty and ritual, or etc., then I miss the very point of the revelation. God is seeking to reveal my own heart to me (btw, He already knows it!), to show whether my words will issue in faith-action and worship, or are just sonic dissonance.

When I find myself between an existential “rock and a hard place”, my tendency is to toil and spin. I exhaust myself trying to figure out how to get around, scale, excavate, or shift the trial and impediment to my comfort. Yet, through a virtual “eye witness” view of Abraham’s hour of decision, I may come to understand that my hour isn’t as much about human expectations and outcomes, as it is about a settled, trusting, surrendered heart of worship.

God is fully able to provide Himself the sacrifice. For His purpose and pleasure He has chosen me, and is directing my course of life, which includes all kinds of “opportunities”, some indeed hard on the flesh, but all for His good and perfect purpose. Will I trust Him with and in the process?

Today, I have chosen His pleasure / will over my own comfort and even understanding.

Ready on the set…action!

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