“Ain’t that somethin’?” — an exclamation in reaction to a thing observed, overheard, or experienced; (occasionally) a snide verbal assessment.
It seems humans are hardwired for the “somethin’s” — things that grab our attention, that stimulate, amaze, that cause a dopamine &/or adrenals response (or conversely, a self-righteous disgust or jealousy). Social media is built on and sustained by this reality. And we are addicted to the “somethin’s”!
Now, on the positive side, this occupation with the “somethin’ ” flows from the gift of the creative echoes within us (Gen. 1:26-27), that can impel us to express and achieve in ways that may encourage others, and glorify our Creator. On the flip side, our pre-occupation with the “somethin’ ” leads to distraction, and even outright discontent. So, we must have the next “fix”…and the next…and…
So here’s my question. If the opposite of somethin’ is “nothing”, is “nothing” okay, and especially, is it okay for the follower of Jesus?
My proposed answer: When I am truly content to be anonymous, invisible, even unappreciated and “unpublished”, to be able to be still and know that He is God (and that I am not!), to decrease that He might increase (John 3:30), and in the process, to possess an abiding peace, joy, and hope, then I say, “yes!” “Nothing” may be the space where I finally bid a relieved “farewell” to ritual and religion, and discover the wonder and satisfaction of sweet communion with Jesus, where the “somethin’s” take their proper place behind.
“Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content…” ~ the Apostle Paul, Philippians 4:11.
Now wouldn’t that be somethin’?!
